My first ever blog on what my website and I are all about.



Yes! Like each new adventure begins with putting on those big new boots and wandering on paths one has never walked on before, I feel ready to take on a new journey or two.

I thought I would be the last person to be writing something like a blog or any sort of written content for that matter, and yet here I am! I have to admit, I have a way with a pencil or pen and any plain canvas – doodles mostly, but while art makes me feel, I also want to use words to describe – stories, sparks of inspiration, and everything that flows between that first line of a drawing and the last stroke of paint. I am excited and very keen about this! I’m mainly doing this for me, who has been longing for something new that leads me to find my dreams and purpose. With promises or expectations solely to and from myself, I know I have nothing to lose… only gain by taking on this new adventure.

“Life is a book, and those who do not explore read only one page.”

Which raises the big question..

What am I going to share here?

Well, the short answer to that would be anything and everything I can think of that’s interesting that I’d like to share with you. Being an artist, most of it would be art-artist related content of course, but just to give you an overview of what’s to come :

I’ll be sharing my thoughts that are art and creativity related, talk about the art I create and my thought processes, share my art processes and resources I use, probably share a few stories from my personal experiences, and just a bunch of random thoughts that pop in my head that I think will be fun to read.

My aim here is to just share with like-minded people who can connect and relate with my content and hopefully be of some use to them in one way or the other. And yeah! Get better at our art-ing skills together along the way.

A beginning to something completely new and different for me, so here goes! If you happen to like my content and if it was of value to you in any way it would be great to hear from you. So I would love for you drop me a message or anything about your experience or feedback because that stuff helps! And I would be motivated to create and share more and more.. and more.

Looking forward to beginning this new journey into a new world with you! <3